July 28, 2023 News

Striving for sustainable bizjet liveries - CCO Richard Marston shares his insights

What can be done to reduce the environmental footprint of business jet completions and refurbishments? In the latest issue of Business Jet Interiors International, our CCO Richard Marston speaks to Marisa Garcia about how MAAS Aviation strive to maximise sustainable practices in aircraft livery painting.

At MAAS we aim to be as planet conscious as possible, we are constantly trying to find new ways to minimise our impact through the design of our facilities and our painting processes. One recent change seeing sustainability gains is the movement towards using a basecoat clearcoat paint system, which reduces painting and drying time and thus saves energy. Marston explains, “In winter, in Europe, you need to heat the hangar to 21 or 22 degrees Celsius, consuming a lot of energy. With basecoat clearcoat, the paint can dry in two hours. The old topcoat systems might take 8-10 hours to dry before you can apply tape and work on them.”

To read the article, click here.

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